PB Chocolate Chip Cookies

PB Chocolate Chip Cookies

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<h1 class="entry-title title flipboard-title" style="text-align: center;">PB Chocolate Chip Cookies</h1>
(credit: <a href="https://www.instagram.com/samanttha_chen/">samanttha_chen</a>)
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Cookie Ingredients:
         <li>½ cup <a href="https://shop.pb2foods.com/products/pb2-natural-creamy-peanut-butter"><strong>PB2 Natural Creamy Peanut Butter Spread</strong></a></li>
         <li>½ cup butter (softened)</li>
         <li>½ cup brown sugar</li>
         <li>½ cup granulated sugar</li>
         <li>1 egg at room temperature</li>
         <li>½ teaspoon vanilla extract</li>
         <li>1 ½ cups all-purpose flour</li>
         <li>½ teaspoon baking powder</li>
         <li>½ teaspoon baking soda</li>
         <li>1 tablespoon corn starch</li>
         <li>¼ teaspoon salt</li>
Cookie Toppings Ingredients:
         <li>2/3 cup milk chocolate chips</li>
         <li>2 teaspoon oil (vegetable or canola)</li>
         <li>Muddy Buddies (store bought)</li>
<div class="wprm-recipe-ingredients-container wprm-recipe-2877-ingredients-container wprm-block-text-normal wprm-ingredient-style-regular" data-recipe="2877" data-servings="9">
         <li>Preheat the oven to 350 then line a baking sheet with parchment paper.</li>
         <li>Cream the butter, peanut butter, brown sugar and granulated sugar. Add in the eggs and vanilla extract and mix until combined.</li>
         <li>Add in the flour, baking powder, baking soda, corn starch, and salt, and mix until the flour mixture disappears.</li>
         <li>Scoop out 9 equally sized cookie dough balls. Gently flatten them to about 1 inch thick, then freeze the cookie dough discs for about 15 minutes.</li>
         <li>Bake the cookies for 12-13 minutes.</li>
         <li>Melt the chocolate chips with the oil in the microwave in 30 second increments, mixing in between every time.</li>
         <li>Top each hot cookie with the melted chocolate mixture and add 3 muddy buddies to each cookie. Then let the cookies cool fully.</li>
<blockquote><strong>For more recipes like this, check out the rest of our PB2 <a href="http://pb2food.com/Recipes/">Recipes</a> portfolio. You can find a list of all of our products available for purchase <a href="https://shop.pb2foods.com/collections/all?page=1">here</a>.</strong></blockquote>
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